What are AI Agents?

AI Agents are autonomous units designed to perform tasks, make decisions, and communicate with other agents. Think of an AI Agent as a team member with specific skills and roles that contribute to the overall goals of your organisation. You can conceptualise them as your virtual employees.

Key Features

Information Sources

  • Knowledge Base: Store files, links, and integrate with Google Drive.
  • Memories: Save interactions directly from chat for future reference.

Actions (Tools)

AI Agents can perform a variety of actions by leveraging different tools:

  • Web Browsing: Retrieve information from the internet.
  • Email Management: Send emails using Gmail.
  • CRM Integration: Import, create, update, delete deals, and add notes in Hubspot.
  • and more…


Triggers initiate responses from AI Agents based on specific events or conditions without manual input. Currently supported trigger:

  • Gmail Email Received

AI Teammates

AI Agents can delegate tasks or questions to one another to ensure that each task is handled by the most suitable agent. This facilitates dynamic task management and various interaction patterns such as hierarchical, sequential, and cyclical conversations.

Spreadsheet Mode

Automate tasks across multiple rows of a spreadsheet:

  • Each row is processed sequentially, using its data to trigger the agent.
  • Ideal for mass text generation or task completions (e.g., importing deals into CRM systems, sending mass emails).

Creating an AI Agent

To create an AI Agent, follow these steps:

  1. Create: Click on ‘Create AI’ in the sidebar.
  2. Knowledge Base: Upload documents, links, or integrate with Google Drive to build the agent’s knowledge.
  3. Personality and Behavior: Define system messages to shape the agent’s personality or use pre-configured templates.
  4. Interaction: Chat with your AI Agent like you would with an AI Co-pilot. It’s now your personal assistant.


AI Agents are versatile digital employees designed to streamline tasks and improve efficiency across various roles within your organisation. By leveraging advanced features like tools, triggers, AI teammates, and spreadsheet mode, you can maximise the productivity and capabilities of your digital workforce.

For further assistance on using Invicta AI or any other features, please refer to our support resources or contact our help desk.