Basic triggers initiate AI agent actions based on time or events, enabling automated workflows in your AI agent teams.

Available Basic Triggers

Trigger NameDescription
SchedulerExecutes AI agent tasks at specified times or intervals, similar to a cron job.
WebhookAllows external systems to initiate AI agent tasks via HTTP POST requests.

Scheduler Trigger

The Scheduler trigger allows you to run AI agent tasks at specified times or intervals.

Trigger Description

The Scheduler trigger executes AI agent tasks based on a defined schedule, similar to a cron job.

Trigger Conditions

The trigger activates according to the specified schedule, which can be set using cron-like syntax.

Event Data

The Scheduler trigger uses cron-like syntax for scheduling.
minuteStringMinute(s) when the job should run (0-59)
hourStringHour(s) when the job should run (0-23)
dayOfMonthStringDay(s) of the month when the job should run (1-31)
monthStringMonth(s) when the job should run (1-12 or names)
dayOfWeekStringDay(s) of the week when the job should run (0-7 or names, where 0 and 7 are Sunday)
timezoneStringTimezone for the schedule
promptStringThe input prompt for the AI agent when triggered

Use * for “any” value, or specify multiple values separated by commas. Ranges can be defined with hyphens.

Webhook Trigger

The Webhook trigger allows external systems to initiate AI agent tasks via HTTP requests.

Trigger Description

The Webhook trigger enables event-driven execution of AI agent tasks, activated by incoming HTTP POST requests.

Trigger Conditions

The trigger activates when a valid HTTP POST request is received at the webhook endpoint associated with the AI agent.

Event Data

userInputStringThe input prompt for the AI agent
variablesArrayAdditional variables to be used in the prompt
modelNameStringSpecific language model to use for this request
threadIdStringExisting thread ID to continue a conversation

If no threadId is provided, a new conversation thread will be created for each webhook call.

Ensure that your webhook endpoint is secured and that you validate incoming requests to prevent unauthorized access.

For more details about the Webhook API, please refer to our API Overview page.