The Google Sheets tools enable AI Agents to interact with Google Sheets spreadsheets, allowing them to create, read, update, and manage spreadsheet data and properties.

Google Sheets integration required. Learn how to set up.

Available Tools

Tool NameDescription
Add RowsAppend new rows to a Google Sheets spreadsheet
Create New SpreadsheetCreate a new spreadsheet file in Google Sheets
List All SpreadsheetsRetrieve a list of all spreadsheet files in a Google Sheets account
List All RowsGet all rows from a specific tab in a spreadsheet
List All TabsView all tabs in a Google Sheets spreadsheet
Search FilesSearch for specific spreadsheet files
Update Row PropertiesUpdate structural or formatting properties of rows
Update Row ValuesModify the content/values of specific rows

Google Sheets

Add Rows

Description: Adds new rows to the end of a specified Google Sheets spreadsheet tab.

System Tool ID: google_sheets_append_rows


spreadsheet_idRequiredstringThe ID of the target spreadsheet
tab_idRequiredstringThe ID of the specific tab
valuesRequiredarrayArray of arrays containing row values as strings

Create New Spreadsheet

Description: Creates a new Google Sheets spreadsheet with specified name.

System Tool ID: google_sheets_create_file


nameRequiredstringName for the new spreadsheet

List All Spreadsheets

Description: Retrieves a list of all spreadsheet files in the connected Google Sheets account.

System Tool ID: google_sheets_find_all_files


cursorOptionalstringPagination cursor for large lists

List All Rows

Description: Retrieves all rows from a specified tab in a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

System Tool ID: google_sheets_find_all_rows


spreadsheet_idRequiredstringID of the target spreadsheet
tab_idRequiredstringID of the specific tab
cursorOptionalstringPagination cursor for large datasets

List All Tabs

Description: Retrieves all tabs present in a specified Google Sheets spreadsheet.

System Tool ID: google_sheets_find_all_tabs


spreadsheet_idRequiredstringID of the target spreadsheet
cursorOptionalstringPagination cursor for large lists

Search Files

Description: Searches for Google Sheets files based on a query string.

System Tool ID: google_sheets_search_files


queryRequiredstringSearch query to find specific files
cursorOptionalstringPagination cursor for search results

Update Row Properties

Description: Updates structural or formatting properties of rows in a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

System Tool ID: google_sheets_update_rows


spreadsheet_idRequiredstringID of the target spreadsheet
bodyRequiredobjectRequest body containing update operations

This tool uses the batchUpdate endpoint and is specifically for structural or formatting changes to the spreadsheet.

Update Row Values

Description: Updates the content/values of specific rows in a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

System Tool ID: google_sheets_update_rows_values


spreadsheet_idRequiredstringID of the target spreadsheet
bodyRequiredobjectRequest body containing the values to update

This tool uses the values:batchUpdate endpoint and is specifically for updating cell values/content.