Calendar tools allow AI Agents to interact with calendar services, enabling them to create and look up calendar events across different platforms.

Integrations required. Learn how to set up.

Available Tools

Tool NamePlatformDescription
Create EventGoogle CalendarCreates new events in Google Calendar
Find EventsGoogle CalendarSearches for events in Google Calendar
Create EventOutlook CalendarCreates new events in Outlook Calendar
Find EventsOutlook CalendarSearches for events in Outlook Calendar

Google Calendar Tools

Create Event


Creates a new event in Google Calendar with specified details including time, location, attendees, and other event information.

System Tool ID and Tool Description for Agents

  • Tool ID: google_calendar_create_event
  • Description: Create event on Google Calendar.


startRequiredstringThe event start time (RFC3339 format)
endRequiredstringThe event end time (RFC3339 format)
locationOptionalstringThe event location
attendees_emailsOptionalarray[string]List of attendee email addresses
timezoneOptional (default: “utc”)stringTime zone in IANA format (e.g., “Europe/Zurich”)
summaryOptionalstringEvent title/summary
descriptionOptionalstringEvent description

Find Events


Searches for events in Google Calendar within a specified time range.

System Tool ID and Tool Description for Agents

  • Tool ID: google_calendar_find_events
  • Description: Find list of events from Google Calendar.


time_minOptionalstringLower bound for event end time (RFC3339 format)
time_maxOptionalstringUpper bound for event start time (RFC3339 format)

Outlook Calendar Tools

Create Event


Creates a new event in Outlook Calendar with specified details including time, location, attendees, and other event information.

System Tool ID and Tool Description for Agents

  • Tool ID: outlook_calendar_create_event
  • Description: Create event on Outlook Calendar.


startRequiredstringThe event start time (RFC3339 format)
endRequiredstringThe event end time (RFC3339 format)
locationOptionalstringThe event location
attendees_emailsOptionalarray[string]List of attendee email addresses
timezoneOptional (default: “utc”)stringTime zone in IANA format (e.g., “Europe/Zurich”)
subjectOptionalstringEvent subject/title
bodyOptionalstringEvent body/description

Find Events


Searches for events in Outlook Calendar within a specified time range.

System Tool ID and Tool Description for Agents

  • Tool ID: outlook_calendar_find_events
  • Description: Find list of events from Outlook Calendar.


start_timeRequiredstringEvent start time filter (RFC3339 format)
end_timeRequiredstringEvent end time filter (RFC3339 format)

All date-time values must be in RFC3339 format (e.g., “2011-06-03T10:00:00Z” or “2011-06-03T10:00:00-07:00”)

When specifying time ranges, ensure that the end time is always greater than the start time.