The Payment Processing tools category provides capabilities for managing payments, subscriptions, and refunds through Stripe integration. These tools enable AI agents to perform various operations related to payment processing and customer management.

Stripe integration required. Learn how to set up Stripe integration

Available Tools

Tool NamePlatformDescription
Create Refunds by Charge IDStripeInitiate refunds for specific charges
Delete Subscription by IDStripeRemove specific subscriptions
Find Invoices by Subscription IDStripeRetrieve subscription-related invoices
Find Subscriptions by Customer IDStripeGet customer-specific subscriptions
Search Customers by EmailStripeFind customers using email addresses

Refund Management

Create Refunds by Charge ID

Description: Initiate a refund for a specific charge using its unique identifier.

System Tool ID: stripe_create_refunds_by_charge_id


charge_idRequiredstringThe ID of the charge to refund

Subscription Management

Delete Subscription by ID

Description: Remove a subscription by providing its unique identifier.

System Tool ID: stripe_delete_subscription_by_id


subscription_idRequiredstringThe ID of the subscription to delete

Find Invoices by Subscription ID

Description: Retrieve all invoices associated with a specific subscription.

System Tool ID: stripe_find_invoices_by_subscription_id


subscription_idRequiredstringThe ID of the subscription to find invoices for

Find Subscriptions by Customer ID

Description: Retrieve a list of subscriptions associated with a specific customer.

System Tool ID: stripe_find_subscriptions_by_customer_id


customer_idRequiredstringThe ID of the customer to find subscriptions for

Customer Management

Search Customers by Email

Description: Search customers in the collection by their email address.

System Tool ID: stripe_search_customers_by_email


emailRequiredstringThe email address to search for

Be cautious when handling payment-related operations. Always verify the correct IDs before performing any actions, especially for refunds and subscription deletions.

Keep track of all payment operations and maintain proper logs for auditing purposes. This is especially important for refunds and subscription changes.