Introduction to AI Teammates

AI Teammates in our AI Agents platform enable collaborative interactions between agents, mimicking the dynamics of human teamwork. This feature allows agents to delegate tasks or questions to one another, ensuring that each task is handled by the most suitable agent based on their specialized roles and descriptions.

Selecting Teammates

When configuring an agent, you can select which teammates this agent will be able to delegate work to. This ensures efficient task management and optimal use of each agent’s capabilities.

Delegating Tasks

Agents use the descriptions of their teammates to decide when to trigger them during interactions. This allows for dynamic and context-sensitive delegation of tasks, enhancing workflow efficiency.

Conversation Patterns

You can create various conversation patterns with AI Teammates, including:

  • Hierarchical: Tasks are delegated from a primary agent down a chain of command.
  • Sequential: Tasks are passed from one agent to another in a specific sequence.
  • Cyclical: Tasks circulate among agents in a loop until completion.


AI Teammates facilitate advanced collaboration among agents, allowing them to manage complex workflows effectively. By leveraging this feature, you can ensure that each task is handled by the most appropriate agent, improving overall efficiency and performance.

For further assistance on managing AI Teammates or any other features, please refer to our support resources or contact our help desk.