This section covers the tools available for email and communication within the Invicta AI platform. These tools enable AI agents to send messages via various platforms, including Slack, Microsoft Outlook, and Gmail.

List of Email & Communication Tools

Tool NameDescription
Slack Send MessageSend messages via Slack
Outlook Send MessageSend messages via Microsoft Outlook
Outlook Reply to MessageReply to messages via Microsoft Outlook
Gmail Send MessageSend messages using Gmail
Gmail Reply MessageReply to messages using Gmail

Slack Send Message


This tool allows AI agents to send messages through Slack channels.

System Tool ID and Tool Description for Agents

  • Tool ID: slack_send_message
  • Description: Send message via Slack.


channel_idRequiredstringThe ID of the Slack channel to send the message to
textRequiredstringThe content of the message to be sent

Slack integration works great as a notification center for your AI agent teams, allowing easy monitoring and interaction with your workflows.

Outlook Send Message


This tool enables AI agents to send emails using Microsoft Outlook.

System Tool ID and Tool Description for Agents

  • Tool ID: outlook_send_message
  • Description: Send message via Microsoft Outlook.


to_emailsRequiredarray of stringsArray of email addresses who should receive the message
subjectRequiredstringTitle of the message
bodyRequiredstringContent of the message
cc_emailsOptional (default: [])array of stringsArray of carbon copy email addresses
bcc_emailsOptional (default: [])array of stringsArray of blind carbon copy email addresses

The subject of the email will be prefixed with “Invicta AI: ” automatically.

Outlook Reply to Message


This tool allows AI agents to reply to existing email threads using Microsoft Outlook.

System Tool ID and Tool Description for Agents

  • Tool ID: outlook_reply_to_message
  • Description: Reply to message via Microsoft Outlook.


to_emailsRequiredarray of stringsArray of email addresses who should receive the reply
bodyRequiredstringContent of the reply message
last_message_idRequiredstringPrevious message ID, used to reply
cc_emailsOptional (default: [])array of stringsArray of carbon copy email addresses
bcc_emailsOptional (default: [])array of stringsArray of blind carbon copy email addresses

Gmail Send Message


This tool enables AI agents to send emails using Gmail.

System Tool ID and Tool Description for Agents

  • Tool ID: gmail_send_message
  • Description: Send message using Gmail.


to_emailsRequiredarray of stringsArray of email addresses who should receive the message
subjectRequiredstringTitle of the message
bodyRequiredstringContent of the message
cc_emailsOptional (default: [])array of stringsArray of carbon copy email addresses
bcc_emailsOptional (default: [])array of stringsArray of blind carbon copy email addresses

Gmail Reply Message


This tool allows AI agents to reply to existing email threads using Gmail.

System Tool ID and Tool Description for Agents

  • Tool ID: gmail_reply_message
  • Description: Reply message using Gmail.


to_emailsRequiredarray of stringsArray of email addresses who should receive the reply
subjectRequiredstringTitle of the message (must be the same as the original message)
bodyRequiredstringContent of the reply message
threadIdRequiredstringID of conversation thread, used to reply to the message
message_idRequiredstringMessage-ID value from headers used to reply to the message
cc_emailsOptional (default: [])array of stringsArray of carbon copy email addresses
bcc_emailsOptional (default: [])array of stringsArray of blind carbon copy email addresses

Ensure that the subject matches the original message’s subject when replying to maintain thread consistency.