Email & Communication tools enable AI Agents to interact through various communication channels including email (Gmail, Outlook), messaging platforms (Slack), and customer communication tools (Intercom, Hubspot).

Integration setup required for each platform. Learn how to set up integrations

Available Tools

Tool NamePlatformDescription
Send EmailGmailSends new emails via Gmail
Reply to EmailGmailReplies to existing email threads in Gmail
Send EmailOutlookSends new emails via Outlook
Reply to EmailOutlookReplies to existing email threads in Outlook
Send MessageIntercomSends messages in Intercom conversations
Send Thread MessageHubspotSends messages in Hubspot conversation threads
Send MessageSlackSends messages to Slack channels

Gmail Tools

Send Email (Gmail)

Description: Allows sending new emails through Gmail with support for CC and BCC recipients.

System Tool ID: gmail_send_message


to_emailsRequiredstring[]Array of recipient email addresses
subjectRequiredstringEmail subject line
bodyRequiredstringEmail content
cc_emailsOptionalstring[]Carbon copy recipients
bcc_emailsOptionalstring[]Blind carbon copy recipients

Reply to Email (Gmail)

Description: Enables replying to existing email threads in Gmail while maintaining conversation context.

System Tool ID: gmail_reply_message


to_emailsRequiredstring[]Array of recipient email addresses
subjectRequiredstringMust match original email subject
bodyRequiredstringReply content
threadIdRequiredstringGmail conversation thread ID
message_idRequiredstringOriginal message ID (format: <>)
cc_emailsOptionalstring[]Carbon copy recipients
bcc_emailsOptionalstring[]Blind carbon copy recipients

Ensure that the subject matches the original message’s subject when replying to maintain thread consistency.

Outlook Tools

Send Email (Outlook)

Description: Sends new emails through Microsoft Outlook with CC and BCC capabilities.

System Tool ID: outlook_send_message


to_emailsRequiredstring[]Array of recipient email addresses
subjectRequiredstringEmail subject line
bodyRequiredstringEmail content
cc_emailsOptionalstring[]Carbon copy recipients
bcc_emailsOptionalstring[]Blind carbon copy recipients

Reply to Email (Outlook)

Description: Replies to existing email threads in Microsoft Outlook.

System Tool ID: outlook_reply_to_message


to_emailsRequiredstring[]Array of recipient email addresses
bodyRequiredstringReply content
last_message_idRequiredstringID of the message being replied to
cc_emailsOptionalstring[]Carbon copy recipients
bcc_emailsOptionalstring[]Blind carbon copy recipients

Messaging Platform Tools

Send Message (Intercom)

Description: Sends messages in Intercom conversations as a specified admin user.

System Tool ID: intercom_send_message


admin_idRequiredstringIntercom User ID of the sender
conversation_idRequiredstringIntercom conversation identifier
bodyRequiredstringMessage content

Send Thread Message (Hubspot)

Description: Sends messages in Hubspot conversation threads.

System Tool ID: hubspot_send_thread_message


threadIdRequiredstringHubspot thread identifier
channelIdRequiredstringChannel identifier
channelAccountIdRequiredstringChannel account identifier
subjectRequiredstringMessage subject
senderActorIdRequiredstringSender’s actor ID
textRequiredstringMessage content

Send Message (Slack)

Description: Sends messages to specified Slack channels.

System Tool ID: slack_send_message


channel_idRequiredstringSlack channel identifier
textRequiredstringMessage content

Need help finding your Slack Channel ID? See the guide →

Slack integration works great as a notification center for your AI agent teams, allowing easy monitoring and interaction with your workflows.