Empower your agents with advanced web browsing, searching, and data scraping capabilities.

List of Data & Web Tools

Tool NameDescription
Scrape Web TextExtract visible text content from webpages
DuckDuckGo SearchPerform web searches using DuckDuckGo
Tavily SearchExecute web searches using Tavily Search API
WikipediaQuery and retrieve information from Wikipedia
Web RequestPerform customizable HTTP requests

Scrape Web Text


This tool enables agents to extract visible text content from a given webpage URL. It’s ideal for web scraping tasks where the goal is to retrieve readable information from a specific web page, allowing agents to gather data efficiently from online sources.

System Tool ID and Tool Description for Agents

Tool ID: scrape_web_text Description: Extracts visible text content from a given webpage URL. Ideal for web scraping tasks where the goal is to retrieve readable information from a URL.


urlRequiredstringThe URL of the webpage to scrape

This tool focuses on extracting readable text content, which can be particularly useful for gathering information from articles, blog posts, or other text-heavy web pages.


This tool allows agents to perform web searches using the DuckDuckGo search engine. It’s useful for retrieving up-to-date information from the internet, providing agents with a broad view of available online content.

System Tool ID and Tool Description for Agents

Tool ID: getDuckDuckGoSearch Description: Performs a web search using DuckDuckGo and returns the results.


inputRequiredstringThe search query to be executed
This tool is configured to return a maximum of 5 search results.


This tool enables agents to perform web searches using the Tavily Search API. It provides an alternative search method that can be useful for retrieving diverse search results, potentially offering different perspectives or sources compared to other search engines.

System Tool ID and Tool Description for Agents

Tool ID: getTavilySearch Description: Executes a web search using the Tavily Search API and returns the results.


inputRequiredstringThe search query to be executed

This tool is configured to return a maximum of 5 search results and consumes Compute Points



This tool allows agents to query Wikipedia and retrieve information from its vast knowledge base. It’s particularly useful for gathering factual information on a wide range of topics, providing quick access to encyclopedic knowledge.

System Tool ID and Tool Description for Agents

Tool ID: getWikipedia Description: Queries Wikipedia and returns relevant information based on the input.


queryRequiredstringThe Wikipedia query to be executed

This tool is configured to return the top 3 results with a maximum content length of 4000 characters per result.

Web Request


This tool allows agents to perform customizable HTTP requests to specified URLs. It’s ideal for interacting with APIs or retrieving raw webpage data, providing flexibility in how agents can interact with web resources and services.

System Tool ID and Tool Description for Agents

Tool ID: web_request Description: Performs a customizable HTTP request to a specified URL. Ideal for interacting with APIs or retrieving raw webpage data.


urlRequiredstringThe URL to send the request to
request_methodRequiredstringThe HTTP method to use (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
request_bodyOptionalobjectThe body of the request (default: )

Ensure that the use of this tool complies with the terms of service of the target websites and APIs.

These Data & Web Tools provide agents with powerful capabilities to interact with web resources, search for information, and extract data from websites. By leveraging these tools, agents can access a wealth of online information and perform complex web-related tasks, enhancing their ability to assist in various scenarios requiring up-to-date information or specific web interactions.